Was thinking how great it would be if there was some sort of concerted effort by Manly fans to protest when Gallop takes the stage for his speech after the game on Sunday. No doubt it'll just be a cacophony of boos, but a silent protest would be awesome. Not to detract from the original idea, which was much more important than our little spat with Double Demerit Dave, but I was thinking about the black power salute at the 68 Olympics as an iconic protest
How good would it look if 40-50,000 Manly fans turned their backs on Gallop, bowed their heads, held one hand aloft with a raised index finger (to signify the number one and Brett Stewart) and remained dead silent while he spoke. That would be much more powerful than jeering the clown.

How good would it look if 40-50,000 Manly fans turned their backs on Gallop, bowed their heads, held one hand aloft with a raised index finger (to signify the number one and Brett Stewart) and remained dead silent while he spoke. That would be much more powerful than jeering the clown.