Thank you feathered friend and I hope you are investing in the greatest investment in our lives.Well done @BOZO, good investment in self health.
No Superannuation , Bonds or any retirement plan is a greater Investment than Investing in our health .
Nothing comes close to good health that gives us the great experience of living life to the fullest
And not becoming bed ridden . When we are bed ridden Money can only buy us a Bigger bed to spend the rest of our lives in .
When we are Healthy .The only time we are in bed is when we are enjoying the ability to have one of most life's pleasurable pleasures and the joy of sex
Healthy people can indulge in sex into their 90s
Life is simple and it is also very simple to Invest in health
Simply eat healthy and keep active doing activities that you enjoy and make it a lifestyle to keep in good stead for the rest of your life
You dont have to go to the Gym as Gyms are boring to many people
There are many activities that suits Everyone and keeps every one moving pumping blood through their Manly hearts and nourishing their body .And Every Effort will make a change in our lives
I look forward for every feathered friends that cares enough about their longevity and quality of their life to make this great change and change for the better
Keep Healthy and Happy
God Bless you all