I'm all for teams thinking outside the box and breathing new life into the NRL. I'd love to see Manly become the Ipswich of the NRL. It's far too easy to be negative. Pessimism requires no particular skill, talent or intelligence. Listing reasons why things won't work is easy, simplistic, counterproductive and boring.
Creativity requires optimism, imagination and courage. An ability to see past what is, and a willingness to dare to believe in what could be. No great event in the history of the world was based upon the failures of past events and the undying disbelief in success through a different course of action.
Embrace all new ideas. Never deny the possibility of success by letting the boring and mundane rule. Don't cling to the past, rejecting new concepts and new challenges, as Brian Adams advises. The negative mental attitude blocks the creative processes from true expression causing mental inertia, which is to live in a vacuum, to mentally wither and die on the vine.
I just reread all that and it occurs to me that I may indeed be sobering up. What a horrifying thought! I better have a stiff drink and hit the sack.