Global marxism - dedicated to destroying the traditional family structure/patriarchy (read white male hetrosexuals) as the basis for a new world order where people are completely and utterly subservient to the state. Global warming (ie wealth transfer through climate taxation and higher energy costs), multi culturalism, anti-catholicism, gender diversity, marriage equality are all means to an end. The destruction of the traditional family as the central unit of societal organisation.
So i guess you watch a bit of YouTube huh?
Does come across as always blaming the left though and looking at things through a red pill "too much education" can and will confuse and distract you mindset.
I do believe the Govt holds back and drip feeds technological advances----but this could also be a good thing giving people time to adjust/ reeducate and change without too much financial loss/sacrifice.
I don't see higher energy costs into the not so distant future, places like Germany are benefiting big time by having a mixed approach to energy supplies. Even the use of solar and battery storage is coming on strong that will place downward pressure on prices eventually.(i also believe we are being drip fed in this area)
Global warming is fact but all we can do is slow the progress down not stop it---(it is promoted like we can stop Global Warming which i believe is agenda based)
If the Elites are so ahead/advanced and knowledgeable why wait to ramp up their control theories over the masses at a time when people are becoming more informed through the internet.(There must be the good fight at the same level preventing this)
And this silly "our right to arms" approach Americans have to defend themselves against the Govt--- piss weak arms compared to what the Govt has at it's disposal are useless in that regard.
I do agree though there is a big agenda driven campaign trying to kill traditional belief systems with the aim of a one world order but not as clear cut as you make it.
Yes 9/11 was an inside job.