The interview was pretty bad but to me i thought he was both being genuine and had a chance,professional sports thrive on characters and we're blasting them at every opportunity, even Watmough is a character and while we've lost nothing from him leaving football wise i feel we've lost a draw for his mouth alone,the big bash is all about entertainment and we need him more than he needs us, maybe he was in the wrong though,I'm more outraged at the overreaction to it
Sexual harassment it was not, legally you can offer anyone legal sex once but must take no for an answer is my understanding of it, Gayle didn't offer sex on this occasion
David Reynolds copped it in the v8s and he was helping educate team 'pussy wagon' but at the same time a team head honcho by saying ford had a better aero said the sport was unbalanced, i don't see how that's not bringing it into disrepute when they sell the parity
I know pc has a place but i think they've had too much free reign of late, I'd like to see it at a place where we aren't calling people faggot or slut but not waiting for some minor infraction to be a massive deal, poor taste has a place in this world as comedy, hell we as a society allow mullets and rat tails,plus the female undercut
The show I'm hating on is ' i'm a celebrity get me out of here'
This is a show where a muscle bound, attractive male vet is constantly hit on by a drooling 40 to 50 year old, I'd be shocked if she didn't bend over and give some innuendo while doing it, but society calls her brave, they call her a strong woman, Gayle hits on a semi attractive (in my opinion she's a bit too boney) reporter and compliments her eyes and we hang him from the highest tree
So really I'm just bitching in this thread about how far we've fallen
You're probably right about the tests would've covered this up, maybe he should be forced to play the next 5 seasons with the Windies test team