Yet another example of how this game is beome more of an item for the social pages than a sport.
Who gives a s**t, whether he is gay, bisexual, straight or a furry? It doesn't matter and no one cares, at all. It's just rubbish reporting on our game again. Further more no one cares about the referees, they do their best to make the game about them, rather than the game that's out there and he we see just another example of this.
Why can't the press start reporting on just football, and not what any of its officials or players do in their spare time, it has no bearing or relevance to the game itself and your average footy fan does not care.
To top it off they have somehow and for some reason, tried to humanize a referee who is far below standard and frustrates 99% of the fans out there with his wildly varying interpretations of the rules.