Just thought i'd like to share a tooves story:
as im pretty young (still in my teens to be exact), I never got to see the legend play. But my father loves him is still livid at his sacking. Anyway when i was younger, after a game, the boys went back to the leagues club for a function in the old auditorium and there was always a roped of area for officials and players only. So, whilst racing around to get all the signatures i could from players outside the area, i saw tooves (who was assistant coach). So as i was giving him my jersey, he says "can you hold my beer" and gives it to me to hold. So theres me, 7 years old, holding geoff tooveys beer as he says "hey, don't drink it" and "i saw you have a sip" jokingly. So he finishes signing my jersey and i hand back his beer and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Until he says "who else do you need" and i mumble back "dessie" so he takes me under his arm, into the cornered off area and gets me dessies signature; then we see kitey (i think) and he goes" do you needs brent's too?". We spend a good 15 minutes in there getting my jersey signed by all the players and geoff came across as one of the nicest people i have ever met. I mean he had all the time in the world for us fans as opposed to people like choc for example who would say "not today" occasionally when people asked him for photos or a signature. He brought me back to my parents and my dad spoke to him for a while after. It was that moment that started my respect for tooves; along with all dad's stories. So as a young fan who never witnessed geoff playing but has experienced his whole coaching career, his axing angers me. And these idiots running the club (penn, kelly, ZtH) piss me off no end. Long live Geoff Toovey; great player, greater bloke.