First Grader
The best highlight package I ever seen of this Legend was on Rex Mossop show, there was a song in the background called "War horse" and it was sensational....the part of Bozo's game I found interesting was his balance, seemed to have super strengh through the hips where he seemed to bounce like a top through tackles without losing speed and this also with his swerve, which again was done without losing pace.
The complete package was also a punishing defender and had the number 1 quality that Every elite player possesses, an ultra competitive nature.
If anyone knows how to find that "Warhorse" reel would be super appreciated....Iv'e tried, but I'm hopeless on the computer.
The complete package was also a punishing defender and had the number 1 quality that Every elite player possesses, an ultra competitive nature.
If anyone knows how to find that "Warhorse" reel would be super appreciated....Iv'e tried, but I'm hopeless on the computer.