for ryan's benefit - we haven't lost 15 of our last 17 starts, facts runi another good story
[quote author=Daniel]
[quote author=Barks]
[quote author=Ryan]
By the way guys - I used the statistics (if anyone has the Canberra last round win last year on DVD), that Wayne Pearce and his opposite commentator use. I didn't just make it up.
not the 1st time posters in this site use stats as a backbone to their argument, then blame another website or commentator for the error. We're all used to it by now so we'll let this go thru to the wicketkeeper........
just thinking actually how my mates and i discussed rcently that out of them all, Pearce is one of the worst commentators and never offers any real insight other than the bleeding obvious. Hate it when he get's Manly games....
Jeez could you be referring to the incidient where you blew up like a blonde hooker last year when I went off at Kings stats?
I dont know what you use the matter between your ears for. but when you have only stats to go by i.e. have not watched the game and have an OFFICIAL site claiming certain stats then how cna that be wrong or false? You are using known fact from an official source at the time.
No little pea heart run along to MSE where you seem intelligent
forgot about still sore over that....Obviously you haven't forgotten. I WATCH the game...i know when we win or lose - so i can generally use my own brain to discuss topics on the game, instead of not have a freaking clue and come on here Monday mornings and post stats - which are different in every newspaper and website you read. Also stats don't always tell the whole story. Didn't some website say Bell made 3 line breaks but minimal metres gained against canberra?
Learn how to watch a game champ and offer something useful instead of wrong stats & then personal attacks when under pressure.
I might start calling you "junior".
hehehe....little pea heart :lol: where i may seem intelligent? Are you saying you are better than them? Thus I'm an idiot here but intelligent to them? You've just show your own lack of self esteem right there champ by putting others down to make yourself feel better.
I sweet lord, why do I bother with you!
Self esteem? Me a lack of it? yeeeeaaahhhh tiger nice one!
As for watching a game, I do not have
1 - Foxtel
2 - Time
so can not watch every game, and am glad of it. I don't see how this is a matter of education in watching a game, more a lack of opportunity to watch a game when a little thing called, life gets in the way. I therefore can only sometimes go by
1 - Stats
2 - Game reviews
3 - highlights
Stats may not tell the whole story, we of course no that, they do tell you enough to let you know King is a useless lump of mud on the football field, your continual defense of him is both tedious and ridiculous.
90% of the time I have it right and so do the stats. On the one occassion the stats were wrong you jumped up and down and I swear you were close to tears since you carried on over at MSE about it.
However you showed your usual lack of intelligence in that debate when you played the man by calling me a miriad of names and other things, merely because you re-fused to comprehend the fact that the stats were from an official site and continued to tell me that I had made up the stats.
I didnt put you down to make me feel better, I feel pretty great already to be honest with you. I put you down for the simple reason that you deserve it, time and time again on here. Since your memory is so lacking I will dutifully remind you that Pea Heart was part of the title and the main thread of the post being referenced. As for it hitting hard, wrong again friend, I have a near photographic memory and monitor 99% of posts on here and can remember most if not all I have been involved in.
I could go on but feel there is no need. There is already a general consensus on you as a poster and I. You can call me junior all you wish, it may get you far or it may just brush right off my back old man!