Exactly, the hooker has already used up time in reaching for the ball,picking it up, and steadying himself for the pass 🙄
The 2 seconds it took for Jackie to catch it is not fully captured on the wide shots
So all this investment in videos and bunkers and the fake news media relies on a misleading still shot to present its fake news story.....
Well, whilst even typing, I wondering why I am bothering since I hardly watch the World Championship Rugby League anymore (since the rigged Panthers semi a couple of years ago) but here goes anyway (as I actually did catch this game on TV, just checking in to see if the status quo of game rigging was still in place)....
So the question is why the fake news story, yes???
Diversion folks, and diversion by flipping it 180 degrees!!!
After the intercept, which really did go against the script, and then the thug (whom would look perfectly at home in a prison uniform) committing the SEND OFF offence to gift the extra 2 points, the efforts to get the Raiders back into the game intensified. First, to signal this, the thug should of be sent off for his foul a minute or 2 after the cowardly knees in the back but nothing happened.
But the absolute farce of the last desperate minute, penalty after penalty and a sin bin all to get the Raiders in a position to grab that last second victory.........and it...............FAILED, dismally.
But it was such a bad bad look, they needed a fake news diversion story to deflect from the appalling farce of a game rigging gone badly wrong.
I'll see myself out for now, enjoy your entertainment......er I mean 'sport'