That may be what 2021 is reduced to but who knows, get a few wins back and we may just turn things around a little. If fainu is cleared as well, there is a lot more light at the end of the tunnel (or even in the middle, like a skylight) here than at the dogs. It’s depressing even looking at the kennel, I feel pretty bad for them.
I think we have the core of a good side, and this off season is the first where des can really shakeup the makeup of the side and balance it (eg taupau going, money toward second-row and Brown, hopefully releasing almost all the off-contract players, new winger hopefully). I think we can make something of 2021, but if not, than im almost certain we will be a bigger force in 2022. Roosters, Storm, probably Raiders falling somewhat in 2022 as well.
As for the dogs, and a few other teams I think they have a longer haul back up. But who knows, how this season plays out for us will be telling.