It's interesting watching the game last night after this video. Thinking 2-3 hitups, a ball to an edge then throw it wide on the 4th (aimes at third man in, a half probably flanked by a centre and 2rf on the backfoot) really is the standard play these days.
Not a ground breaking observation but the way teams do it differs hugely.
Storm stop the roll on by lying all over the player so their defence is set, but Souths just have superior forwards rolling through the middle who can get up and back into it so fast.
By far the biggest improvement to a side is the time they hold up a play the ball.
What does this mean for Manly?
Manly couldn't do it this year at all, sides could get down and up too quickly. I have seen virtually surrender tackles where the player almost goes to ground intentionally so he can get back up quicker, giving the next ball runner the opportunity to run at retreating defenders.
We need to be better at the wrestle.
We also need to get back the JuJitsu guy as Scam Smith is the best at it in the business (blackbelt). If he's not putting pressure on necks or twisting knees he is tearing rotator cuffs. All legally. You hold onto an arm there's a chance that your team mate hits at an angle that destroys a rib (Vunivalu on GI) or twists an arm out of its socket (Bromwich on GI). Sorry, didnt mean it mate. Clap em off while your defence gets set.