Earl (sorry Mr Earl) you are one tough hombre. 😀[quote author=Utility Player]
[quote author=earl]
I own 11 Tarantulas and am getting 2 pythons in the next couple of weeks.
Earl - you got a reptile licence?
Ive filled out the form and jsut need to send it away.
Contrary to what most think , pythons can be quite docile and very placid.
My main motivation is that my neighbours are **** scared of snakes , so I would love to able to take one out on the front lawn and scare the bastards away.
Also , Tarantulas are very placid , except if you are the prey. They walk on my hands and **** without any aggression.
And as for bird owners being gay , well Ill leave that alone. Some of you seem to love to talk about gays so much , are you sure you arent all a little bit gay.
While on the strange topic , I was told by a sheila at work a little while back that bi-sexuality was the in thing these days. Am i that old fasioned.**** knows.