Hi there.
Allow myself to introduce... myself. I "belong" to fluffy. He seems to think that I have some form of intelligence. I disagree. However, me writing a rant on why I choose not to be religious, and why, to me, it is merely an excuse for inhumane behaviour and is the crutch of the weak-willed will allow me to see him tonight. I hope he buys me dinner.
Let me start by saying that since I am on holidays and have about... 3 minutes to write this in I won't be using any fancy words. I can't be bothered. Don't get me wrong, catch me during semester, when I am studying hard and you probably won't understand me. Unless you are doing my course... or in the profession already.
First off the Bible. Strange though it is that the works of a group of MEN ONLY have come to dictate most of this world. Damn. I TOLD the founding fathers they should have read Pratchett.
The substantive issues.
Now the Old testament is obviously written long after the actual events it describes. I does describe a fire and fury type of God. Some kind of deity that would love to let the lighting rain down on us mere mortals. Nice story. Anyways, the Adam and Eve stuff have been shown to be rather incorrect by Darwin's theory of evolution. He didn't mean to disprove the stories, he was a nihilist.
Ever played Chinese whispers? You know how an event is interpreted, twisted and changed the more the tale is told through different people? Well, no author of the old testament was there at the time of these happenings. While it tries to describe the history of the planet, it fails miserably. It misses events such as the ice ages, the dinosaurs or even the fact that the earth is not the centre of the universe.
But don't get me wrong... I LIKE the old testament. People lived till they were 500 and there was lots of begetting.
Like alot of christians (I was christened... strangely enough) I know the new testament alot better.
I enjoy the fact that the book was written about 40-200 years after the death of Jesus (35 was about the average age of the times... it was a rough life... it somehow goes up to 100 in the bible... 100 is still a rare age to achieve). So there probably was a great many mistakes. What am I saying? There were many mistakes. There seems to be a fair bit of disagreement. And now there are the chapters from the dead sea scrolls. These were written AT THE TIME OF THE EXISTENCE OF JESUS. BY AN EYE WITNESS. By a guy called Paul. They actually say Jesus was a great man. But just a man. He had a family... you know, a wife and kiddies? And that is all from the original text.
Did you also know that it was the Romans that made up the bible? They also edited it as they went along.
Beautiful eh?
So yes, organised religion. So many have died.
Do you know the Inquisition still exists?? Yep! It's now called the Holy Office... their job now is to ban certain publications (or historic findings) that they consider blasphemous. There is quite alot.
Religion plunged us into the dark ages. Imagine how much more advanced we would be if it wasnt for that break?
It caused the crusades. It lead Hitler to genocide.
And it hasn't stopped.
I think religion is good for those that need it to go on living... or to give them a purpose. But me? Rather than preach I volunteer for the Red Cross, WWF, the Wilderness Society and help anyone I can.
I don't have time to preach.
Also, what "loving" god would leave the world the way it is?
I have one more thing to say...