Debunking the Rothfield clickbait

While I know this doesn’t reflect the opinion of all Manly supporters I just had to send an email to Rothfield.

It’s got to be the cheapest and easiest way to make a quid. Continually criticise and victimise a team that you despise because you know bad Manly news sells papers. How pathetic you are. You’re a vindictive little man taking out your frustrations on anything disagreeable to you. You embarrass yourself in your hatred towards Phil Gould and your jealousy of the Manly football team. Yes jealousy, because it’s the fact that Manly have piled on such misery to the Cronulla sharks over the years that you have built up such a hurt that now clouds your judgement.

And now you’re calling for Manly to fold on the back of a small crowd on Friday, a disagreement with a couple of senior players and a fringe First grader with anti-team behaviour form at other clubs (no not the whole team as has been incorrectly reported), the salary cap misdemeanours, that is still under protest and the naughty boys club in Gladstone. Give me a break!!

This club survives because it has to fight harder than any other just to get a win. And that’s why they win comps. Because they’re seasoned to fight hard. We may not have the cattle at the moment…………….but deep down you know Manly will win a comp way before Cronulla win another. Everybody does.

The facts are that on Friday evening, and yes I had a day off and travelled down from Forster for the game, it was a drizzly cold evening after an off/on rainy day. The first of the year really. It was also a 6.00pm game. Most working people in the city can’t get back to Brookvale by 6. Don’t go bagging the fans because of your perceived understanding of them being disillusioned, as it’s just plain wrong.

Why don’t you lift your journalistic abilities and try to get some interesting Rugby League news, rather than your typical fall back on negative Manly news of incidents that have now happened over 3 weeks ago, or have you just become too old, unoriginal and lazy. I think we both know the answer to that.

Try to get through the day you tired old man.


Just love your work mate, we’ll done!!
First class GE. Wish I could have given it a few Winner awards. It's a shame that pisshead can't invest as must care and thought into his articles as you have given to your response.

I find it ironic in this day and age of outing bullying behaviour, that the media escape any scrutiny of their normally inaccurate reporting that in its recklessness, actually amounts to bullying of the club.

I have a thought (apparently a blue moon tonight). Why don't we just simply refuse to post any further gargoyle articles, and refrain from even mentioning his name. If someone must post an article from him, it goes into a folder clearly marked 'junk' with a reader beware warning?
So a few of us have read today's offering from Phil and I posted that I don't agree with much in his article. A few of you have disagreed with my posts and so I thought I should explain myself better than "nope he is wrong."

His statements are in black, my rebuttal is in red.

So let's get started.

THERE should be genuine concern in the NRL about the long-term future of the Manly Sea Eagles.

There should be concern about the welfare of all clubs

This is a club in turmoil on and off the field.

On field, a couple of tough losses, no 50-50 calls, massive injury toll. Turmoil? Maybe, but other teams are still worse off. Off field, don’t know about that. Issues arise and get dealt with. Don’t fall for the media ‘sources’ of b/s.

A crowd of 5700 on Friday evening for their clash with the Newcastle Knights was an embarrassment to the code.


Forget the unpopular 6pm kick-off time, this was an indication that even their most ardent supporters have given up on a club with a rotten culture.

Incorrect. Incorrect and Incorrect. You can’t forget about the impossible timeslot or weather (what a stupid thing to say). Ardent supports have not given up. Culture is not rotten (subjective at best, some fans will probably think so. Also (I forgot) aren't the other teams fans allowed to travel as well? where were they? - thanks stuboot

The salary cap rorting, strip clubs, the victimisation of a young player, poor on-field form, poor leadership, no money and little hope.

Incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, correct, incorrect, incorrect, and incorrect.
We’re asking for permission to appeal the nrl findings but NO player got paid more than what was registered with the nrl and they signed off on everything.
It was a strip club, not clubs and they were well behaved.
Victimisation of a young player is an absolutely disgusting and untrue accusation to level at a club who have brought in outside people to help him.
No money – says who.
Little hope - totally untrue.

This is also a club with a higher executive turnover than any in the premiership.
If true, So what?

We often have the debate about whether Sydney is big enough to host nine clubs against one-team, one-city outfits such as the Brisbane Broncos and Melbourne Storm.

Well good on ya.

Clubs like the Canterbury Bulldogs and Parramatta Eels can afford poor years and tough times.
They are backed by massive leagues clubs that can pour in up to $10 million annually to prop up the football team in the bad years when costs blow out.

Must be nice to have the scourge of pokie machine profits to cover for inept management.

Whether the Penn family at Manly can, or is prepared to, do the same remains to be seen.

Who says a bad year costs 10 million or that Manly is heading for a bad year like this? The inference is incorrect.

Look at Brookvale Oval. It’s far and away the worst venue in the NRL, almost unfit to be hosting games in an era where fans want comfortable seats and easy access to toilets and food outlets.

Guess the ANZACS wanted comfy seats too. Harden up. 15,000 attended the week before.

These days it’s too easy to stay home and watch live footy on television.

Wow, something printed that is correct, well done.

Ideally, the NRL would like Manly to take home games to the new Allianz Stadium when it is completed in 2021.
Manly could do the same as the Wests Tigers, who play three games at Leichhardt Oval.

You could also stop printing lies and innuendo but we don’t always get what we want.

Yet their supporters are renowned non-travellers and it is unlikely to work.

Incorrect. This myth has been proven to be rubbish time and time again and is total clickbait. Also, Sydney is a total crap shoot to get around.

Look at their training facilities in Narrabeen and how the staff have to work out of demountable offices which are more like a high school PE department than facilities for a modern-day professional sporting franchise.

So what? Plus Manly has gotten new training facilities.

Look at Penrith and their $25 million academy. Same with the Broncos.

And look at the last time either won a premiership.

Look at the wonderful new stadium the Parramatta Eels will play out of next season.

And who paid for that? And so what?

Manly are that far behind, it’s not funny.

Incorrect, Manly have won more premierships that those other clubs mentioned. Also behind in what way? Making things shiny for Phil?

For years, Manly’s on-field success has masked the longer-term big-picture issues.

Incorrect. The only thing it has masked is the feeble medias ability to gloat.

There has not been a more successful Sydney club in the past 10 years.

Correct, well done.

They have made the semi-finals for eight years, the top four five times and played in three grand finals, winning two.

See what happens when you actually fact check? Well done again.

Yet this year is already a write-off. Incorrect and maths isn't that hard.

They will need to win 12 of their last 15 games to finish on 30 points, the cut-off for last year’s finals series.

Incorrect, and so… it’s not a write off then. Stop contradicting yourself. No one knows the points cut off or how other teams will go.

It’s very easy to blame injuries and lack of depth but this is something they have brought on themselves through coach Trent Barrett’s stubborn refusal to pick Jackson Hastings and for having to play $350,000 under the salary cap this year and next season for cheating.

Injuries statement - Incorrect. Are you seriously suggesting picking hastings stops all of Manly’s injuries? That is lost the plot stuff right there. That is galactically stupid writing.

Salary cap statement - Incorrect. We are appealing the findings that we broke the salary cap rules. No player got any extra money and the findings are based on a changed definition of a few terms. Cheating is like the sharks systematically taking performance enhancing drugs. Not getting the mandatory 4 years suspension made the nrl the laughing stock of world sports and cronulla the luckiest team around. A premiership 2 years later. Co-incidence?

Look at their draw over the next three weeks — the Roosters, Broncos and Storm. Dear oh dear. It could be mathematically impossible before June.

Incorrect. No one can possibly know that. Ridiculous statement.

The problem Manly face in the long term is that the NRL is no longer in a position to bail out clubs. Teams now get $13 million grants, more than 30 per cent higher than the salary cap, and there will be no more St George Illawarra-type loans. The next club to fall over will be replaced by an expansion team.

And? Manly have not said they are in financial turmoil and have shown that operating on a shoestring budget is possible. Muck raking rubbish.

No one wants that to happen to the Sea Eagles. This is a wonderful old club, but history doesn’t pay the bills.

Correct it is a wonderful club,and one could argue history does pay the bills. Great past performances can get an employee pay rises. Happens all the time in the…say NRL that Phil is supposed to know something about.

The NRL is now a business more than a sport and only the professional and well-administered outfits will survive. That is the brutal reality.

And newspapers are a dying medium. Hey let’s buy a newspaper so we can get all the up to date news from…yesterday! Churning out a few words between drinks and catering to the lowest common denominator whilst striving for clicks rather than insightful non agenda driven analysis is such a pathetic existence and a waste of one’s life. And that is the brutal reality.

I hope that helps to explain my issues with that 'article'.

Go Manly and have a great day!
You smashed him! Well done. I’ve been staying away from here since Friday night. It was obvious that the press were going to turn the knife and I didn’t feel like reading post after post about how we are doomed. Why do so many people on here just open their mouths and swallow the sh1t sandwich the press shove into their faces. So good to read a thread that contains foresight and actual facts, as opposed to the usual sensationalism that is flooding this place. There’s way too many people swinging from the rafters right now.
I find it so infuriating that the media bang on and on about Manly fans not travelling but NO opposition fans ever travel to Brookie.

There were lucky to be 20 newc fans behind the goals and one or 2 elsewhere.

If we get bagged for not leaving the northern beaches why don't other fans get bagged for not going to the northern beaches @:mad:

I remember a few years ago I went to parra stadium and sat behind the goals with hundreds and hundreds of Manly fans. A father walked down the aisle with his young daughter and said "c'mon, lets sit where we can find some parra supporters!" Not one word on tv or radio about the amount of fans that turned up...there never is.

We'll have at least as many at the away venues as the opposition does at our ground.

He's just an old, bitter drunk who hates Manly...

He could've written the same article about Cronulla a couple of years back.
Does that pisspot maggot of a Gummies supporter realise if Manly goes he and his fukwit media gossip column mates will gave nothing to sensationalise about. What a lowlife piece of sht scum filth. Go crawl back into your bottle you washed up hack fukwit maggot.
Right now it is high tide for our haters, Slothfield comes unstuck when facts are presented to him. I read the comments on his blog today and great to see people question what he writes. He has never quite gotten over the pain that Manly has inflicted on his guppies over the years. All clubs go through bad times, including his own team who if it was not for the great Arko, who gave them money to survive or they would have folded in 1983, something that people like Slothfield always overlook
The narrabeen offices are not demountable, the Narrabeen office is bricks and mortar, the demountables was years ago, however perhaps some of the performance teams etc may spend some time in them.
GE you were on FIRE with this thread today.
One smokin' moose!
So a few of us have read today's offering from Phil and I posted that I don't agree with much in his article. A few of you have disagreed with my posts and so I thought I should explain myself better than "nope he is wrong."

His statements are in black, my rebuttal is in red.

So let's get started.

THERE should be genuine concern in the NRL about the long-term future of the Manly Sea Eagles.

There should be concern about the welfare of all clubs

This is a club in turmoil on and off the field.

On field, a couple of tough losses, no 50-50 calls, massive injury toll. Turmoil? Maybe, but other teams are still worse off. Off field, don’t know about that. Issues arise and get dealt with. Don’t fall for the media ‘sources’ of b/s.

A crowd of 5700 on Friday evening for their clash with the Newcastle Knights was an embarrassment to the code.


Forget the unpopular 6pm kick-off time, this was an indication that even their most ardent supporters have given up on a club with a rotten culture.

Incorrect. Incorrect and Incorrect. You can’t forget about the impossible timeslot or weather (what a stupid thing to say). Ardent supports have not given up. Culture is not rotten (subjective at best, some fans will probably think so. Also (I forgot) aren't the other teams fans allowed to travel as well? where were they? - thanks stuboot

The salary cap rorting, strip clubs, the victimisation of a young player, poor on-field form, poor leadership, no money and little hope.

Incorrect, incorrect, incorrect, correct, incorrect, incorrect, and incorrect.
We’re asking for permission to appeal the nrl findings but NO player got paid more than what was registered with the nrl and they signed off on everything.
It was a strip club, not clubs and they were well behaved.
Victimisation of a young player is an absolutely disgusting and untrue accusation to level at a club who have brought in outside people to help him.
No money – says who.
Little hope - totally untrue.

This is also a club with a higher executive turnover than any in the premiership.
If true, So what?

We often have the debate about whether Sydney is big enough to host nine clubs against one-team, one-city outfits such as the Brisbane Broncos and Melbourne Storm.

Well good on ya.

Clubs like the Canterbury Bulldogs and Parramatta Eels can afford poor years and tough times.
They are backed by massive leagues clubs that can pour in up to $10 million annually to prop up the football team in the bad years when costs blow out.

Must be nice to have the scourge of pokie machine profits to cover for inept management.

Whether the Penn family at Manly can, or is prepared to, do the same remains to be seen.

Who says a bad year costs 10 million or that Manly is heading for a bad year like this? The inference is incorrect.

Look at Brookvale Oval. It’s far and away the worst venue in the NRL, almost unfit to be hosting games in an era where fans want comfortable seats and easy access to toilets and food outlets.

Guess the ANZACS wanted comfy seats too. Harden up. 15,000 attended the week before.

These days it’s too easy to stay home and watch live footy on television.

Wow, something printed that is correct, well done.

Ideally, the NRL would like Manly to take home games to the new Allianz Stadium when it is completed in 2021.
Manly could do the same as the Wests Tigers, who play three games at Leichhardt Oval.

You could also stop printing lies and innuendo but we don’t always get what we want.

Yet their supporters are renowned non-travellers and it is unlikely to work.

Incorrect. This myth has been proven to be rubbish time and time again and is total clickbait. Also, Sydney is a total crap shoot to get around.

Look at their training facilities in Narrabeen and how the staff have to work out of demountable offices which are more like a high school PE department than facilities for a modern-day professional sporting franchise.

So what? Plus Manly has gotten new training facilities.

Look at Penrith and their $25 million academy. Same with the Broncos.

And look at the last time either won a premiership.

Look at the wonderful new stadium the Parramatta Eels will play out of next season.

And who paid for that? And so what?

Manly are that far behind, it’s not funny.

Incorrect, Manly have won more premierships that those other clubs mentioned. Also behind in what way? Making things shiny for Phil?

For years, Manly’s on-field success has masked the longer-term big-picture issues.

Incorrect. The only thing it has masked is the feeble medias ability to gloat.

There has not been a more successful Sydney club in the past 10 years.

Correct, well done.

They have made the semi-finals for eight years, the top four five times and played in three grand finals, winning two.

See what happens when you actually fact check? Well done again.

Yet this year is already a write-off. Incorrect and maths isn't that hard.

They will need to win 12 of their last 15 games to finish on 30 points, the cut-off for last year’s finals series.

Incorrect, and so… it’s not a write off then. Stop contradicting yourself. No one knows the points cut off or how other teams will go.

It’s very easy to blame injuries and lack of depth but this is something they have brought on themselves through coach Trent Barrett’s stubborn refusal to pick Jackson Hastings and for having to play $350,000 under the salary cap this year and next season for cheating.

Injuries statement - Incorrect. Are you seriously suggesting picking hastings stops all of Manly’s injuries? That is lost the plot stuff right there. That is galactically stupid writing.

Salary cap statement - Incorrect. We are appealing the findings that we broke the salary cap rules. No player got any extra money and the findings are based on a changed definition of a few terms. Cheating is like the sharks systematically taking performance enhancing drugs. Not getting the mandatory 4 years suspension made the nrl the laughing stock of world sports and cronulla the luckiest team around. A premiership 2 years later. Co-incidence?

Look at their draw over the next three weeks — the Roosters, Broncos and Storm. Dear oh dear. It could be mathematically impossible before June.

Incorrect. No one can possibly know that. Ridiculous statement.

The problem Manly face in the long term is that the NRL is no longer in a position to bail out clubs. Teams now get $13 million grants, more than 30 per cent higher than the salary cap, and there will be no more St George Illawarra-type loans. The next club to fall over will be replaced by an expansion team.

And? Manly have not said they are in financial turmoil and have shown that operating on a shoestring budget is possible. Muck raking rubbish.

No one wants that to happen to the Sea Eagles. This is a wonderful old club, but history doesn’t pay the bills.

Correct it is a wonderful club,and one could argue history does pay the bills. Great past performances can get an employee pay rises. Happens all the time in the…say NRL that Phil is supposed to know something about.

The NRL is now a business more than a sport and only the professional and well-administered outfits will survive. That is the brutal reality.

And newspapers are a dying medium. Hey let’s buy a newspaper so we can get all the up to date news from…yesterday! Churning out a few words between drinks and catering to the lowest common denominator whilst striving for clicks rather than insightful non agenda driven analysis is such a pathetic existence and a waste of one’s life. And that is the brutal reality.

I hope that helps to explain my issues with that 'article'.

Go Manly and have a great day!
Well said :clap::clap:
Fmd rothtool on nrl 360 just read his story. Fmd his got his knives out. If we only win 1 more game this year lets hope its againts the sharks. That would problu make him pass out
It was funny to listen to his retraction of Manly's demise should Penn walk.

'The 2 billion Broadcast deal means that the NRL have to bail Manly out' 😀

No one can kill Manly off :rock:
Right now it is high tide for our haters, Slothfield comes unstuck when facts are presented to him. I read the comments on his blog today and great to see people question what he writes. He has never quite gotten over the pain that Manly has inflicted on his guppies over the years. All clubs go through bad times, including his own team who if it was not for the great Arko, who gave them money to survive or they would have folded in 1983, something that people like Slothfield always overlook

100% correct. Manly and other clubs including Wests gave money to Cronulla enabling their survival. Further, they were actually broke year after year, and were continually bailed out by the ARL, only to turn on them when Super League came along.
Nothing like a want to be reporter having a go at Manly to fire the place up....its pitchforks in the on to smashing the Chooks on Sunday!!!!!!!!!
He was on 360 tonight saying DCE should of been charged, only because him and buhrer are mates saved him.

Then on fox league we have to listen to Evone's dribble about Parra!

"Isn't it wonderful to see Parra winning again and enjoying their football, great for rugby league!"

I bet if Manly win their next 2 games they will be still looking for any negative to pull us down.
He was on 360 tonight saying DCE should of been charged, only because him and buhrer are mates saved him.

Then on fox league we have to listen to Evone's dribble about Parra!

"Isn't it wonderful to see Parra winning again and enjoying their football, great for rugby league!"

I bet if Manly win their next 2 games they will be still looking for any negative to pull us down.
Yeah but as long as Yevone is pulling me down I'd be ok about it.

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