A deadline is fine, but it should be set at the start of the negotiation process so that it's fixed.
One can only surmise that Foz has no deadline, as he has already informed Manly of another agreement. More likely that Manly has asked Foz for a window of time, to try and match his requirements.
Don't get the hate for Chez at all. Manly would have budgeted for
both Players' Contracts at the time they were looking at the retention or release of Gifty.
The Media interest is manic and what is overlooked is that the day of the Shark's visit, it was the Sharks Season launch - so Media were there anyway.
However,Orr is completely responsible for his Client's fall from grace.
I am even more concerned with the way 2V is being undermined by Manly.
Just pathetic!
Perception is reality, so the Combover Man better show the respect to the Little Master.

I've had the pleasure of watching 2V for the better part of 30 years, and he has never put a foot wrong.