Thanks Ryan, indeed small business for many reasons can be bloody hard, including that you tend to be on duty or on call 24/7. No, can't say I made a motza but provided stable income for several families, cheerful work environment and it had value as a going concern when I left.
As to the topic and 'the club as a whole', as you put it, we probably both agree that the private owner in reality sets parameters (or in this case limits) on where the bar is set. I want to see the club fight hard for success and when we stop giving our home game to the Broncos I'll expect us to win more premierships than most (but still not all premierships)
Seriously, spot on. How the HELL did any human being in a right mind say, let's always take our magic round home game to Suncorp, but be the team playing the Broncos? Well, we all DO know, someone who thinks $$$ is more important than winning a premiership. That being said, credit where it's due, Mestrov DID say this season that was a ridiculous strategy, and he's having it changed, so I'm okay with that.
We could have at LEAST agreed that The Broncos would take one of their home games to Brooky in return.
Yeah mate, I used to receive phone calls at 2am from business owners who couldn't sleep worrying about when and where the next wages were going to be paid. Or how they can't take big job on because they didn't have enough working capital. Or they had no more limits available etc etc etc.
Contrary to popular belief, in my time as a commercial banker (thank the STARS I'm out of Banking now), no matter the time, effort or work required to support them, I would accommodate them (mostly because I had my own credit authority hahaha) - up to 30 odd mill at NAB at one point, depending on the security levels.
That's the thing, us commercial Bankers on the ground (people don't realise this) regardless of the brand that pays them, would go to war for their clients to support them. I know I did. I felt the pain, stress and anxiety my customers did, because in my view, it was a partnership.
Anyways, haha, I digress. But yeah, hence my utmost respect for people like you mate !!