The point is not wear a jersey and pat yourself on the back the youve solved the worlds ills.
But rather showing public support for a cause helps open a dialogue and normalise.
Its not the be all and end all but the thought that it has a negative impact is a furphy IMO.
As for me, I live my life day to day being inclusive of others. I work in mental health including on a research project on suicide prevention for LGBTQI youth.
But this is not a personal battle between you and I. I've not inferred anything of your own personal views or beliefs.
I'm just curious as to why we are seeing such particular blowback to this jersey.
We didnt see it to ANZAC round, Indigenous round, community round, retro round.....admittedly we saw some to those Pointsbet black jerseys....but on the whole they were all largely consumed with little resistence.
Dunno, for me if there is a LGBTQI teen Manly fan out out there, who smiles seeing us run out in the jersey then all the better for it.