On the council site there's a proposal to have 3 Thursdays played at Brookvale.
As I understood the current NRL guidelines were that no club should have more than 2 Mondays and 2 Thursdays allocated to them as home games.
Could this be changing should Mondays be scrapped? Why would the Sea Eagles actively encourage this?
We are in receipt of Application No. Mod2016/0022 for the modification of Development Consent DA6000/4021 (No 94/380) to provide for three (3) of the approved twelve (12) National Rugby League (NRL) matches on Thursday nights at Brookvale Oval.
View Application No. Mod2016/0022
The proposal does not constitute designated development. Warringah Council is the consent authority. The applicant is Vaughan Milligan Development Consulting Pty Ltd.
For enquiries contact Tony Collier, Senior Planner, 9942 2111 or
[email protected].