Brogden should be GORNE

" just for the most part, they are a bit better."

Hopium please are you in young Labor or something.

There's d-heads on both sides of pollitics! Look at Latham!
" just for the most part, they are a bit better."

No big deal, but this comment states the obvious!
Latham was as a person... not the nicest... but he had rather good environmental policies... they were a step forward and I applaud that.
But in the Labor party, the right wing faction are the ones that do try to balance between business & workers... the socialists are the lefties in the party... and it's the right in the state & fed labor.
The right in the Libs are hardcore christians. No abortion & against homosexuality. I'd like to shove their heads up their arses... it's not for men... or religious men... to judge on abortion. Nor is it anyone's right to block the freedoms of others. They are scum.
Yes, most, if not all, pollies are scum... but I know where to find the worst.
Yes, I'm in young labor... so I know the bastards in the labor party. And they cop sh!t from me (note the reference to Costa?... also don't like Obede... and my Council Labor? AWFUL! They're in it for the wrong reasons). But I also know the bastards in the libs... and tell ya what mate, they're a whole lot worse.
Just out of interest Hopium what do you think about the fact that Carr used his wife for political reasons and she used him for business reasons while he trotted around with his boyfriend.
As I mentioned before I have absolutely no problem whatsoever with Carr being gay (I have plenty of gay friends). I do have a problem with Carr leading the public who voted him in to believe that he was a happily married family man- I know politicians are born to lie but don't you think that is taking it a bit too far???
He could be happily married. He cares about his wife alot... I don't care wether they have sex or not. Marriage is normally a meeting of minds... what happens in a bedroom doesn't matter. She provides care & support. That is a wife in my eyes. I've had friends & still do I'd happily marry & support but wouldn't sleep with them.
So no, it's not too far. It's like being a gay woman in the legal profession, not a done thing. If I decided to have a female partner I'd have to drag a bloke around to get taken seriously.
It doesn't matter what Carr & his wife's relationship is... they care for each other and that's what is important. Carr stands up for his wife. He was braying for blood. If someone said crap about me, Gav would do the same thing.
It wasn't so much that the marriage is a sham but the connotation of the phrase... the pettiness.... If it was for political reasosn, would they still be together? Carr's retired now remember. They may have an open marriage & he might just be bi... I know plenty of couples like that... Cannot just assume what the relationship is... unless of course you actually know them personally.
And why doesn't Brogden's actions piss you off? Especially when he's carrying on about what a happy family he has & he's off picking women up?

This gives a good reason why such a small insult resonates quite far:
But as a topic, mail-order brides are hardly a barbecue-stopper in the way Islam has become, and in any case Brogden's offence was not that he attacked mail-order brides. In the present climate, it was far worse: he showed himself capable of being personally offensive and vindictive to the wife of a political opponent. The significance of the offence lay in its small-mindedness.

In any case, such remarks are usually a symptom of something deeper than mere carelessness. In this case it might have been a sudden attack of hubris brought on by the belief that Bob Carr's resignation had given Brogden his first glimpse of possible electoral glory.

In spite of years of trying to grab headlines by making mountains out of political molehills, and by staging such desperate stunts as his recent tandem parachute jump into Campbelltown Stadium, Brogden had never demonstrated a convincing capacity to connect with the electorate. So perhaps his political suicide bomb was detonated by nothing more sinister than the pent-up frustration of an Opposition leader who had lived for too long with the suspicion that he was never going to be premier.
I have it on very, very good authority that the marriage is a total sham.
If you're going off how Carr acts in front of the camera's with his wife you really have to be kidding yourself if you think that is the true story.
Politicans are masters of spinning it in front of the cameras and Carr is one of the best.
I am not making comment on their sex life, what I am saying is that she only came on the scene for him to further his political career and that is when his gay status took a back seat- don't you think that is dishonest.
While I personally would question not voting for someone because he/she is gay it does happen and obviously Carr was worried about it!
Who's to say that he wouldn't have gotten in if he had been open about things but in the end he chose the option of presenting a sham to the public...
Who's the authority? Hearsay doesn't stand up in a court of law... so it shouldn't stand up otherwise.
And who cares? He's still with her ya? Why wouldn't he just leave eh? Anyways, who cares? Carr is no longer Premier.
And the "mail order bride" comment is both sexist & racist... shows no respect. And who care's if Carr's doing it for the cameras. He stood up for her. Could have let her talk. She's very intelligent & quite forceful. Also the fact is neither of them should be a target anymore. The Carrs, at that point of time, were not his opposition. So the point of that comment was to be vindictive and petty.
To become premier, he needed to be portrayed as hetero... So be it. I don't blame him. Could be worse. Alot worse. Could be cheating on a doting wife...
The focus should not be on the relationship of the Carrs, only on why such a stupid comment was made.
Carr is a spin doctor. All pollies are... but it's one thing to insult the actual politician... another to insult their family.
Again, aren't you pissed off as to how Brogden portrayed himself as a family man & his off picking up young women? Hmmmm? Especially his whole speil as to how he so much wanted children & how he is sooooo happy with his wife?
I feel sorry for his wife.
Tony Greig got away with saying a very, very similar comment when commentating and the camera's switched to a wedding- I don't think he knew that he was on air though.
Funny he didn't loose his job...
BTW I haven't anything about Brogden - he is an idiot no doubt about it.
Carr used his family man status for political gain so yes I do think they should be brought into it.
If he didn't want to hurt his 'wife' (and I use the term loosely), he should never have hired her in the first place.
Tony Greig got away with saying a very, very similar comment when commentating and the camera's switched to a wedding- I don't think he knew that he was on air though.
Funny he didn't loose his job...

Tony Greig didnt lOse his job because Packer gave him a job for life as part of coming over to the dark side in the world series cricket days.
The right in the Libs are hardcore christians.
I take exception to that comment, it's tantamout to vilification to REAL hardcore Christians.

The Libs are Christians of convenience as they know there are votes in it.

If there were more votes with Anton Le Vey's mob, then they'd be Satanists and would eat their young.

Please don't get the two confused.
Sorry Mata... Religion and politics should be kept separate... One should not be sullied by the other.
Kinda meant they take many of the same lines... and they definately call themselves christian Libs. And I believe you, they shouldn't be called christians. Wankers is a much better term.
And nope... Carr didn't put his family man status up more than all the other pollies so really, he's just put himself on equal footing with all the other bastards... which is all of them... And Australia has never had a major party leader who wasn't hitched.
Oh and I doubt his wife is hired or whatever.
Yes, it is who you know... so who do you know?
Constantine making Christianity the religion of the State back in the fourth century is the worst thing that ever happened to it.

It was better when we were being fed to lions.

Ok so you're just pulling things out of your bum PJ. Thought so. Love the avoiding the question thing. That is so HOT on you! LMAO

Mata- so true... Religion should be a choice... not a state imposed sanction! OMG we agree... but then, I'm not religious at all... dislike all of them and hate the way people try to impose their beliefs on me... but I'll support them having beliefs!

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