He could be happily married. He cares about his wife alot... I don't care wether they have sex or not. Marriage is normally a meeting of minds... what happens in a bedroom doesn't matter. She provides care & support. That is a wife in my eyes. I've had friends & still do I'd happily marry & support but wouldn't sleep with them.
So no, it's not too far. It's like being a gay woman in the legal profession, not a done thing. If I decided to have a female partner I'd have to drag a bloke around to get taken seriously.
It doesn't matter what Carr & his wife's relationship is... they care for each other and that's what is important. Carr stands up for his wife. He was braying for blood. If someone said crap about me, Gav would do the same thing.
It wasn't so much that the marriage is a sham but the connotation of the phrase... the pettiness.... If it was for political reasosn, would they still be together? Carr's retired now remember. They may have an open marriage & he might just be bi... I know plenty of couples like that... Cannot just assume what the relationship is... unless of course you actually know them personally.
And why doesn't Brogden's actions piss you off? Especially when he's carrying on about what a happy family he has & he's off picking women up?
This gives a good reason why such a small insult resonates quite far:
But as a topic, mail-order brides are hardly a barbecue-stopper in the way Islam has become, and in any case Brogden's offence was not that he attacked mail-order brides. In the present climate, it was far worse: he showed himself capable of being personally offensive and vindictive to the wife of a political opponent. The significance of the offence lay in its small-mindedness.
In any case, such remarks are usually a symptom of something deeper than mere carelessness. In this case it might have been a sudden attack of hubris brought on by the belief that Bob Carr's resignation had given Brogden his first glimpse of possible electoral glory.
In spite of years of trying to grab headlines by making mountains out of political molehills, and by staging such desperate stunts as his recent tandem parachute jump into Campbelltown Stadium, Brogden had never demonstrated a convincing capacity to connect with the electorate. So perhaps his political suicide bomb was detonated by nothing more sinister than the pent-up frustration of an Opposition leader who had lived for too long with the suspicion that he was never going to be premier.