What hit? He didn't "hit first". Look at the speed of his arm movement, it is not a blur like Slater's. He doesn't even fully extend his arm. His hand is open, not a fist. And he's not even looking at Slater, he's still looking straight ahead at whoever he's arguing with. It's obvious he just pushed out to get Slater away from him because Slater was taking liberties by placing his hands all over him.
And yes, a lot of people would say a punch to the head of a man who's not looking at you is a dog shot.
bones said:
I hope that Loveridge grub gets hit with great force in his head while he isn't looking, either in gaol or when he gets out.
So you are advocating that someone else does something equally as repulsive as what he did?
This whole argument about 'he hit first so I'm entitled to hit him', or 'he had his hands on me so I'm entitled to push him away', are variations on the same theme: namely, two wrongs make a right, and if you wrong me first, I'll wrong you back with interest.
No doubt plenty live by that maxim, but it seems to cause more grief than it solves.