I'm sure many of you will be jealous of the set up of the guy who lives across the road from my parents.
He took his six car garage and split it right down the middle. The back half (essentially a three car garage) is now his 'brewery'. Without one word of a lie, he has 12 different home brews on tap at any one time: this huge fridge with 12 of those narrow kegs, all a different style and flavour. It's a sight to behold! That's in the 'bar' area... the 'brewery' has at least another dozen brews on their way, just in time to replace those on the tap.
I've heard estimates of about a $30,000 outlay so far (once you factor in the dividing wall, temperature control system and so on). Just before I left he moved on to the next logical step and is now the silent partner in a home brew shop.
That was almost a year ago. I'm going home in a couple of weeks so I'm looking forward to any updates 🙂