[quote author=Fro]
No you arent Matas, you are fishing.
Do they celebrate \"Shaft Lobengula day\" in Zim??
We had two National holidays. Rhodes and Founders weekend to celebrate the pioneers and UDI day which is the day we said up yours to the world and sought self-determination.
You fellas are kidding yourselves if you don't think the gene pool of a nation are not affected by its origins. The Great Australian Bight should be renamed the Great Australian Blind Spot.
Matas you are saying that as someone of Anglo heritage should somehow be tarred as a thief or a murderer simply because that is the generalisation you lump the first fleeters in as. What if I had an ancestor who was one of the troopers sent to guard them ( I don't its just an example).
I do think you are drawing a long bow by saying that all Australians are descended from theives and murderers.
I do not however disagree that Australia has very racist elements in it, far from it, there are plenty
I just dont think your generalisations are accurate or even necessary, what about the Lebanese who were escaping their troubled homeland, or those from the Balkans, or the post war Europeans, or the asians in the 70s, or even as a good example, those who fled Rhodesia and other Southern african nations?
And Ryan, Matas is more than capable of making his own point, your entry in to the debate will simply bring Jatz out of the woodwork and that will simply degenerate into one of your slangfests, as opposed to the reasoned debate thus far.