Yeah, but you just never know after a lengthy lay off. We all know his class, and he’s returned before pretty smoothly… but… let’s see
He’s gunna have to pull off the Cooper Cronk GF plan. Bark, shout orders, then leave it Keary, or in Penriths case leave it to Romey to execute . With Nathan’s injury at least he would’ve been able to stay on the cardio. The rest will be muscle memory for him.
But the Rorters will throw everything at him. Cronk had to get thru one game the GF, whereas Cleary may need to get thru several games.
I don’t think the Panthers can win it without him. Schneider is no Cogger, or O’Sulluvan.
I don’t see the cohesiveness between Romey and Schneider. Happy to be proven wrong. I’d love them to get another title. They deserve it, the fans, and the community deserve one more as I think the well is drying up out that way for them, as other clubs scouts are also crammed around the well too.
Of course, none of the above matters really, as Manly will be the first team to win a GF from outside the top four.