This is a stupid ‘disagreement’. Sounds like you’re experiencing some cognitive lag. Have you tried turning your brain off and then switching it on again?
If your point is I am woke because I said 'stain on our country's reputation' then go for your life. Oh no I'm woke, this is devastating.
As usual you never actually want to discuss an issue, just take pot shots. Bit boring Woodsie.
Getting a bit flustered ... OK, I'll simplify my question.
you said .. DV was a "massive stain on our country's reputation" ... the word reputation would in this instance read .. as in the eyes of people not from Australia judging us.
Which countries do you believe would be in a position to take the high moral ground on this issue, and judge us poorly? ... Iran, Saudi Arabia, USA, Britain, China perhaps New Zealand ... maybe Poland?
Or, as I mused ... was this slight on Australia simply a leftist woke exercise in self hatred... and yes Ser8 .. very boring ..