What a great night, we had. We had so much fun singing Manly songs, chanting Manly clap clap clap. The players at the end of the game across to the supporters and literally hugged us all. they were so happy and thrilled at our support.
It was great to share the win, not only with the supporters but I was also privilged enough to be invited into the dressing rooms after the game. Got to meet all the players, watched many of them being treated for their bumps & bruises and generally feel like a kid in a lolly shop.
Oh, by the way Kingy says hi to all of you and wishes to thank you for your continued encouragement.
It was great to share the win, not only with the supporters but I was also privilged enough to be invited into the dressing rooms after the game. Got to meet all the players, watched many of them being treated for their bumps & bruises and generally feel like a kid in a lolly shop.
Oh, by the way Kingy says hi to all of you and wishes to thank you for your continued encouragement.