The Zero Tolerance People PerspectiveAlso, you might want to steer clear of Instagram, Facebook and in particular X (formally twitter) because they are a cesspool of negativity, hate and differences of opinions.
I have 0 people on ignore. ZERO. With all the absolute crap slung my way from many on here over the years. Threats of violence, people talking about my family, crossing lines with real life job security. The abuse.
Good day feathered friend Ryan
I do not agree with you that your team of our departed Eagles would beat our current Manly Team
But the does not make me or you or any others any different from any forum, Fbook , Instagram or Family members who are all unique individuals and see things in a different perspective and have their own views .
I Respect you Ryan for the Respect you have for all people by giving them the courtesy of their views , beliefs and ideas and This typifies that type of Respectful person you are
What do you call people who do not tolerate other people's opinions like you do ?
Intolerant and Bigoted people are the ones that refuse to allow others to express views that are different from their own .
Congratulations @Ryan for being Bibber than a Bigot and respecting every ones Personal right of views and beliefs .
In conclusion ...
All clubs have players in their squad that All have
Different religious views
Different social views
Different Political views
Can you imagine if all players had Zero Tolerance for each other ?
How many games would they win ?
The Moral of the story
The Biggest losers in the world are the Bigots