2025 recruitment & retention

  • We had an issue with background services between march 10th and 15th or there about. This meant the payment services were not linking to automatic upgrades. If you paid for premium membership and are still seeing ads please let me know and the email you used against PayPal and I cam manually verify and upgrade your account.
  • We have been getting regular requests for users who have been locked out of their accounts because they have changed email adresses over the lifetime of their accounts. Please make sure the email address under your account is your current and correct email address in order to avoid this in the future. You can set your email address at https://silvertails.net/account/account-details
  • Wwe are currently experience some server issues which I am working through and hoping to resolve soon, Please bare with me whilst I work through making some changes and possible intermittent outages.
  • Apologies all our server was runing rogue. I managed to get us back to a point from 2:45 today though there is an attachment issue i will fix shortly. Things should be smooth now though


I'm just going off what Mestrov promised us mate - and he lied. Also, Schuster was a backrower remember (because Brooks, who is now regressing to flop for me) was brought in as 5/8. We DO need a Lock though, I agree.
please show me a direct quote from Mestrov where he promises to have replacement by June 30.


I'm just going off what Mestrov promised us mate - and he lied. Also, Schuster was a backrower remember (because Brooks, who is now regressing to flop for me) was brought in as 5/8. We DO need a Lock though, I agree.
Did he promise a second rower by June 30? Not sure anyone half decent would be leaving mid season. The money to sign a second row is still there, always thought that the money will go to someone for 2025, in which case there’s plenty of time to find a player.

Sitili is off the board now cause I guess he wants to play behind the mountain of second rowers at the Doggies. Tells u where Manly’s at recruitment wise when he chooses the Dogs over us, who have a much less easy path to playing time for him.


Journey Man
Did he promise a second rower by June 30? Not sure anyone half decent would be leaving mid season. The money to sign a second row is still there, always thought that the money will go to someone for 2025, in which case there’s plenty of time to find a player.

Sitili is off the board now cause I guess he wants to play behind the mountain of second rowers at the Doggies. Tells u where Manly’s at recruitment wise when he chooses the Dogs over us, who have a much less easy path to playing time for him.

No, the only players who choose us, are the washed up players other teams don't want or need, who can't crack first grade, or who are getting huge downgrades (and given time demands). That's how you end up with an injury prone, slowing, unbalanced roster.

We aren't a destination players, player managers want a part of. I've been told our "project" is just laughable, and the sales pitch is horrendous. But meh, it is what it is.


Journey Man
please show me a direct quote from Mestrov where he promises to have replacement by June 30.

"Tony Mestrov revealed yesterday afternoon via SEN radio that manly are interested in the prospect of having a like for like replacement for Josh Schuster but with a backrower in return from the club he does go to"​

and, when the swap didn't go ahead:

"I dare say we have to replace a backrower, there was Josh filling in that spot so I dare say we look to replace Josh with a like for like"


Journey Man
I have and I can't find anywhere where has Mestrov "promised" to have a replacement by June 30 and failing to deliver on said "promise"

All i can see is you slandering the CEO.

I've quoted his statements above, and maintain what I said - he's failed to deliver and what was promised. I didn't make the comments up. He said them. I can't wish them away and blow out a candle. He wanted a like for like replacement for Schuster (an 800k per year backrower) - where are they? Maybe in the same dimension as last weeks apparent brave performance, that quite a few live in it seems.

If your argument is based on the semantics of the word "promise" then I don't know what to tell you. If someone states they will do something, to me, that's a promise, unless they are a liar.

It's like me telling you I'm going to give you 10,000 dollars (but what I actually meant was in the year 9,585,562,546 on a different planet, when we are all cyborgs - but just left the latter out)


First Grader
Premium Member
I'm just going off what Mestrov promised us mate - and he lied. Also, Schuster was a backrower remember (because Brooks, who is now regressing to flop for me) was brought in as 5/8. We DO need a Lock though, I agree.

The quote is below.

Harsh calling him liar.


  • Screenshot_20240701_142951_Instagram.jpg
    161.3 KB · Views: 70


Yeah, Nah.
Tipping Member
Come on mate, 'interested in the prospect of having' and 'we look to replace' aren't even remotely close to a promise. In fact, he didn't even say he was going to do it. He just said he's interested and he'll look into it.

Of all the things to get the $hits with the club over, this certainly isn't one.


Premium Member
Tipping Member
With all due respect to Gordie, when I just got my member advice that there was signing news, I was pretty keen to see who we had gotten to play for us. I was a little let down to read that it was just Gordie getting an extension. Good on him though, I was just wanting to see that we got some new blood in the forwards.


First Grader
Premium Member

Highly touted young half signed that the ARU and other clubs were chasing.

Doesn't quite fit the narratives of

  • Seibold hates youth
  • We've no DCE succesion plan
  • We only sign cast offs

Good to see Gordie extend to, I have my doubts but also love him


With all due respect to Gordie, when I just got my member advice that there was signing news, I was pretty keen to see who we had gotten to play for us. I was a little let down to read that it was just Gordie getting an extension. Good on him though, I was just wanting to see that we got some new blood in the forwards.
That signing news might have been the young half?


First Grader
Premium Member
I think a one year extension is the right call for Gordie. Allows us another look at him as likely our 3rd string hooker whilst not locking us in long term.

A club option for a second year would have been ideal though.


Nice to see Gordie extend, but am i crazy for thinking he should be turned more into a lock? He’s built like a nugget, got good leg speed and drive.

We’ve seen at hooker his service from dummy half is pretty slow, unless that improves can’t really see him playing ahead of Croker or Simpkin and getting any meaningful minutes.

Is his tackling and conditioning good enough to play in the middle, at lock for extend periods of time, I don’t know. The sample size for him playing big minutes at hooker is small.

Just floating out an idea.


I've quoted his statements above, and maintain what I said - he's failed to deliver and what was promised. I didn't make the comments up. He said them. I can't wish them away and blow out a candle. He wanted a like for like replacement for Schuster (an 800k per year backrower) - where are they? Maybe in the same dimension as last weeks apparent brave performance, that quite a few live in it seems.

If your argument is based on the semantics of the word "promise" then I don't know what to tell you. If someone states they will do something, to me, that's a promise, unless they are a liar.

It's like me telling you I'm going to give you 10,000 dollars (but what I actually meant was in the year 9,585,562,546 on a different planet, when we are all cyborgs - but just left the latter out)


First Grader
Premium Member
Nice to see Gordie extend, but am i crazy for thinking he should be turned more into a lock? He’s built like a nugget, got good leg speed and drive.

We’ve seen at hooker his service from dummy half is pretty slow, unless that improves can’t really see him playing ahead of Croker or Simpkin and getting any meaningful minutes.

Is his tackling and conditioning good enough to play in the middle, at lock for extend periods of time, I don’t know. The sample size for him playing big minutes at hooker is small.

Just floating out an idea.
I get the idea. A Brandon Smith type in the middle, but he too small to be at lock IMO

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