Yeah a few of us remember it, but its mainly overlooked because we played the tigers Foran got the same out of Suli in a game doing the same. Apparently different structures, and not hogging the ball, and passing earlier is easier to do against the tigers and dogs so the data is tainted or some bag of bollocks
I respect they present different opposition but it has no bearing on setting a backine and passing early.
Dce uses up too much pointless time pumping, double pumping and sideways movement with the ball, waaaaay tooo often,
Its how he earned his headless chook reputation hoping players fall over and regularly gives oku the scraps
Oku power is the only thing stopping a full blown investigation
Last year when koula was out there, we had a mega thread about he he never gets it right on the right either
Our right side is the wild west, in attack and defence. Yeah yeah teams attack right, poor right side, 15 of em, living in a cardboard box in the middle of the road, and every morning they have to wake up, half an hour before they went to bed mind you, and lick the road clean with there tongues
Effing lefties